B-1 VISA (click to read more)
The B-1 visa is a popular visa because it allows foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for up to 180 days for business related purposes. This visa allows foreign nationals access to a variety of business and economic ventures in the U.S.
B-2 VISA (click to read more)
The B-2 visa enables foreign nationals interested in visiting the U.S. for pleasure for up to 180 days. The U.S. is world renowned for its many tourist attractions and events, including many of the world’s leading travel destinations.
Visa Waiver Program (click to read more)
The Visa Waiver Program offers an easy, effective method for foreign nationals to travel to the U.S. for business or pleasure for up to 90 days without having to apply for a B-1 or B-2 visitor visa. The program is only available to foreign nationals of participating countries. The list is updated by the U.S. Department of State.